
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Heart Disease Scam That Generates Over $100 Billion a Year… And May Cost You Your Life | In The News – Springhill Group Counselling 

Find out why doctor-recommended heart treatments only benefit 3% of patients…and how you can slash your heart disease risk without drugs, surgery, or mainstream medical intervention
By Ian Robinson

Heart disease is America’s number one killer. One out of every two Americans over the age of
65 has atherosclerosis – a condition that damages or kills heart tissue and can lead to sudden heart failure and even death.

It’s likely that you or a loved one will face this killer head-on at some point in your life. So you need to understand exactly what you’re up against… and learn exactly how to protect your heart – and your life.

To do that you have to know how lifestyle choices affect your heart. And what’s going to damage it over time.

The big problem is… most of the things your doctor tells you about protecting your heart are based on flawed, out-dated theories. So each day you may be injuring your heart a little more… just by following your doctor’s advice. And because your doctor is proceeding from a false assumption… many of the things he does to treat your failing heart only make it worse.

Mainstream doctors typically address atherosclerosis with one of three treatments:
•             Coronary angioplasty, with or without stents
•             Coronary bypass or “open heart” surgery
•             Statin drug therapy
Each year over one million Americans opt for coronary angioplasty. 427,000 Americans have open heart surgery. And US doctors write 11.6 million prescriptions for statin drugs – each month…

But overwhelming research – from respected medical institutions like Stanford University and Harvard Medical School – reveals evidence that these treatments are money-making scams that do more harm than good.

When we found out that these multi-billion-dollar treatments were putting patients in harm’s way, we sought out answers. It was easy to understand why doctors would continue to prescribe these treatments. Combined, they generate over $100 billion each year for the medical industry.

But why aren’t these treatments effective?

It turns out that these traditional options don’t combat heart disease effectively because they don’t address the disease’s actual cause.

No studies prove that any of these options fix the root cause of heart disease.

But published studies do show:
•             Two big reasons why current medical thinking on heart disease is flawed. And why this approach doesn’t improve heart health…
•             That doctors overestimate artery narrowing to justify surgery, according to Harvard Medical School.
•             How 30 percent of all heart surgery is totally unnecessary…
•             How bypass surgery kills patients: the death rate has quadrupled in recent years – and continues to rise…
And that’s not all. Three different clinical trials showed coronary bypass surgery only benefits three percent of patients…

One Harvard doctor says, “For almost everyone else… there are no survival benefits at all.”

He believes “cardiology and heart surgery are the cash cows of the American health-care system.”

And his theory is supported by findings from Stanford. In a study of 900 bypass patients, researchers found that surgery helped at first… but didn’t fix the underlying problem. They found that these risky and costly surgeries buy some time… but the problem comes back. And it doesn’t take much time to return. In fact, health issues often reappeared in much less than five years.

Conventional Medicine Isn’t Tackling the Cause of Heart Disease
What all that research shows is that conventional medicine is not tackling heart disease the right way.

You may be doing everything your doctor tells you to do to keep your heart healthy. You may be cutting fat. You may be eating a low cholesterol diet. But if conventional thinking is wrong… then your doctor’s advice may be a surefire way to damage your heart and send you to the surgeon’s table.

Your average doctor will tell you that dietary cholesterol causes atherosclerotic plaque. And that’s what triggers heart attacks.

But one of the world’s foremost heart surgeons says that’s not true. He’s performed over 5,000 open heart surgeries and was Chief Resident at Yale University hospital.

He says that targeting cholesterol won’t help your heart… because it’s based on flawed assumptions.

That’s because atherosclerosis isn’t triggered by cholesterol.

Now, I’m not saying cholesterol should be ignored. Cholesterol buildup is the consequence of the realcause of heart disease… and that’s a serious problem. But once you treat the real cause… then lowering your bad LDL cholesterol is far simpler and more natural than conventional medicine would have you believe.

Misunderstanding cholesterol’s role in heart attacks is not the only mistake that average doctors make…

Heart Attacks Are Not Caused by Plaque Itself…
Instead, your own “defense system” is working against you.

I’ll explain more in a minute.

But first, I want you to be fully aware of the implications of what I’ve just told you.

If these commonly held beliefs about heart health are just plain wrong… And your doctor is likely prescribing methods that don’t work to resolve the underlying cause of heart disease… what doesprotect your heart? And how can you take action to protect yourself?

To answer these questions we’ve gone back to those respected institutions and reviewed their findings… And have discovered the true cause of heart disease.

We can now reveal the best and safest ways to combat it.

We’ve uncovered:
•             Research that shows how one all-natural supplement is 10 percent more effective at reducing heart-related death than statin drugs…
•             Findings from the National Institute of Health and Medical Research that prove one specific food group reduces heart disease risk by 15 percent in just three months…
•             A Harvard study that shows how one type of exercise drastically slashes heart disease risk…

The Safest Ways to Reverse Heart Disease
A medical professor from the University of California, San Francisco – the founder of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in California – is the lead author of the revolutionary Lifestyle Heart Trialstudy. This study shows that a lifestyle regimen can stop coronary artery disease in its tracks. And not just that… it can actually reverse it.

He combined diet, exercise, and an ancient discipline to create a comprehensive lifestyle plan to combat artery disease.

Subjects in the study saw a reversal of their coronary atherosclerosis after just one year.

This professor is not alone in his work. The head dietician of the Cleveland Clinic’s Women’s Heart Center has come up with the exact foods you need to eat to lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol.

She says, “There really is an abundance [of foods] that are good for your heart.”

Her findings are backed up by a study on 4,000 people that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The best benefits come from foods in their natural state: as unprocessed as possible.

The foods on her list are all widely available and easy to get hold of. In fact, you’ll find them in the produce aisle at your local grocery store.

Then there’s one seed that offers a whole host of heart benefits. Researchers who were investigating high cholesterol put this seed to the clinical test. They gave the seed to patients with high cholesterol levels for 60 days.

At the end of the study, they found that the seed:
•             Drops total cholesterol by 17.2 percent
•             Decreases bad (LDL) cholesterol by 3.9 percent
•             Slashes triglycerides by 36.3 percent
The seed contains an essential fatty acid that been shown to improve heart health in several studies. Plus… it contains one vital compound that can lower blood pressure.

But that’s not all you can do to combat heart disease naturally, inexpensively, and easily.

Boost Heart Health with These 8 Essentials
A biochemist at the University of California has identified the eight essential antioxidants to combat heart problems. Antioxidants are a big factor in heart health. They neutralize free radicals and help to combat the oxidation of bad cholesterol that contributes to heart disease. Each of these eight antioxidants specifically strengthens heart health.

One of these antioxidants can be found in everyday foods like oils, nuts, and meat. It’s been shown to reduce heart disease rates by 40 percent.

Another antioxidant is produced in your own body and provides energy to your heart tissue. The problem is that you produce less of it as you age. Furthermore, some statin drugs actually deplete your levels of it. But you can make up the shortfall from eating certain organ meats… or taking it in supplement form.

A third antioxidant found in some fruits can lower bad cholesterol. A study conducted by the Natural Products Utilization Research Center showed it worked better than a prescription drug in combatting high cholesterol.

But heart health is not all about antioxidants.

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