
Saturday, August 25, 2012

South Springhill Korea Group: India becomes world’s top spammer - web ample

South Springhill Korea Group: India becomes world’s top spammer - web ample

If you’ve got a junk email folder full of spam, there’s nearly a 10 percent chance it came from a computer in India, the world’s new top spam producer.
India claimed the unwanted crown from the U.S. in the security firm Sophos’ most recent “Dirty Dozen” report of the top spamming countries between January and March. Rounding out the infamous top five are South Korea, which accounts for 8.3 percent of spam, and Indonesia and Russia, both of which distribute 5 percent of the spam clogging up inboxes.
Trailing Russia are Italy (4.9 percent ), Brazil (4.3 percent), Poland (3.9 percent), Pakistan (3.3 percent), Vietnam (3.2 percent), Taiwan (2.9 percent) and Peru (2.5 percent).